Yoga Nedra

2023 Yoag Nedra Pratice
Held at the Sidney Walter Centre Sussex Road Worthing BN111DS
Arrive At 6.30 pm, starts at 7 pm. ends at 8.45 pm
Park in Sidney Walter car park
Yoga Nedra,
Welcome to Kate Wright’s yoga nedra, an adult Yogi who sleeps deep self-rest and restorative grounding practice,
What you need
An Open Mind
Yoga mat, sleeping bag or blanket, pillow, eye black out all thought I do have a lot, warm socks, and cosy clothing,
Build Your nedra bed, get cosy or practice breathing
We stay in silence till after the nedra to keep the energy of our sacred space calm and peaceful
Arrive at 6.30 pm to set up a bed and start to rest. No phone and phones on silent, shoes off at the door, please
7 pm Doors will be Shut and locked by Lee, our space-holding security.
Nedra 7-8.15 pm
8.15 8.30 pm Come out of Nedra states and drink Vegan Cocoa made with soya vanilla milk or herbal tea
8.30 pm Come out of the silence and take time to come back round
8-45pm, everyone leaves in a blissful state
Poi Passion Yoga Nedra is a collaborative practice; together, we heal fastest as a collective energy field.
Giving our body, mind, and souls a chance to rest, restore, heal, process understanding, let
Changing our lives through just being still,
Big love to you all,
kate and Lee


Jan 4-18

Feb 1-15

March 15-29

April 12-26


November 8-

December 6-

Booking, please message Kate at 07522658207